Maintenance Stickers
Maintenance Stickers

Keeping your machinery running at peak capacity not only protects your investment but keeps production moving. For this reason maintenance is an important part what you do. We produce stock products like maintenance record labels to aid in your maintenance procedures. These products can go right on your machinery or in a conspicuous place. They include everything from oil change stickers, to maintenance record labels. The best inks printed on outdoor grade vinyl ensure that they will hold up to your work conditions. Peel and stick hi-tack adhesive allows for a permanent bond to any clean surface.
Kewanna Screen Printing has been solving companies’ industry specific printing needs since 1961. With customers throughout the United States and Canada we get a lot of requests. The more popular ones, we turn into stock decals to help companies with their everyday durable print needs. If you are having problems finding anything or have a problem that is more specialized, reach out to one of our highly skilled customer service representatives.
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