Food Waste Bin Labels
As composting has become more mainstream, growing to be more than just something people do at their own homes. The value of organic materials such as food scraps and yard waste is being recognized as cities and even states have their own Organic Waste Recycling programs. This has caused the need for Food Waste Bin Labels and Yard Waste Only decals. Organic Waste makes up a large part of what gets dumped in landfills every year. Simply having food waste stickers on your containers helps to separate these streams. Separating this waste stream slows the growth of landfills and creates a valuable resource in fertilizer and raw materials.

Nature’s Way
Since the beginning of time, organic materials breakdown naturally through a process called decomposition. As living plants grow and die, they breakdown into rich, black, nutrient rich soil. Likewise food and yard waste decompose into a valuable soil additive.
Nature + Science
As scientist and economists work together, they are finding new uses for Organic Waste. Some innovations pulled from composting include compostable food packaging,diapers and car parts. The process of composting can even harness the creation of energy.
In conclusion, the natural reuse or recycling of organic materials creates new life in our land and economy. In turn use food waste stickers to divert this waste stream to the proper collection vessels. This the same process you would use to divert a plastic soda bottle to the correct recycling container.
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